Feel free to cozy up with your favorite beverage (if you're like me, then maybe it's an espresso over ice with a splash of cream, or a warm matcha latte if it's cold outside!) and stay awhile. This is my place to share not just beautiful weddings or sessions, but to share my life. My hope is through this, you'll get to know a bit more about me and all the beautiful people that make it worth living! 


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the blog




July 12, 2013

For The Love 2011 // Flashback Friday

Have you ever had a life-changing experience?  These are images that document the week that changed my life.  October of 2011, God opened doors for Emily and me to attend For the Love in Elkton, Oregon. It was photography workshop to get away from it all. . .a time away from cell phones, technology and a time to take some deep breaths. While we were there we met friends who will always be a huge part of our lives. . .friends that have influenced us in ways that they aren’t even aware of.  This was the week where God put the desire in my heart to surrender my life completely to him. . .the week where Delight became a dream. . .the week my life would never be the same.

2011 had been a difficult year for us.  Emily was diagnosed with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (aka Neurovascular Dystrophy) in May after many many months of undiagnosed pain and strange symptoms.  It was a grueling summer with hours and hours of intense painful physical therapy and hours in the car driving back and forth.  It was incredibly heart wrenching as a momma to watch my sweet girl in so much pain day in and day out.  For the Love marked the 6 month mark and it was such a beautiful gift to get to go together.

The worship with Jonathan and Melissa Helser, Ginny Corbett’s morning talk & our time of learning photography with Jeff and Erin Youngren were such gifts that I will always treasure!  I can’t put into words our experience while we were there.  But, I can say that I came home changed and I will never be the same.  I am blessed beyond measure to call these amazing people friends, but the best part of the entire time was having shared it with my precious Emily!
