Feel free to cozy up with your favorite beverage (if you're like me, then maybe it's an espresso over ice with a splash of cream, or a warm matcha latte if it's cold outside!) and stay awhile. This is my place to share not just beautiful weddings or sessions, but to share my life. My hope is through this, you'll get to know a bit more about me and all the beautiful people that make it worth living!
I love Madison. She has such an amazing personality and beautiful spirit. I actually remember “meeting” Madison when she was a little baby at a bbq with mutual friends. . .she was the cutest baby!! Then, my own kids (Luke and Emily) took piano lessons with the same teacher as Madison did, so we’d see (observe) each other a couple times a year at piano recitals. I vividly remember Madison showing up to piano adjudications in her plaid school uniform when she was probably 11 or 12. . .so adorable! She probably didn’t think so, but I’ve always had a thing for uniforms and secretly wished I could wear one when I was a kid. I think it reminded me of Eloise which is my favorite children’s book. Well, Madison officially came into our family’s life a few years ago when Emily came home from family camp saying she met some amazing girls. Madison fit into our family immediately. . .I would adopt her if I could, but I know her parents would miss her terribly. I do appreciate every minute we do get to have her with us though. I am just so proud of Madison and what a beautiful young lady she has become. She truly is beautiful, but her inner beauty is radiant. I love her heart and depth. I just love her. My prayer is that Madison will continue to strive to put Jesus first in her life, that she will radiate His joy and know His heart for her. I love you, Madison. . .you mean the world to me!
KW. Thank you so much. You are such an amazing photographer. I love you and you family so much! I MISS YOU GUYS!