Feel free to cozy up with your favorite beverage (if you're like me, then maybe it's an espresso over ice with a splash of cream, or a warm matcha latte if it's cold outside!) and stay awhile. This is my place to share not just beautiful weddings or sessions, but to share my life. My hope is through this, you'll get to know a bit more about me and all the beautiful people that make it worth living!
I couldn’t tell you the very first time I met Karryn’s family, but I can tell you this : when I received an email from Karryn saying she was getting MARRIED, I’m pretty sure I jumped off my chair and danced around my office. Actually, I’m probably one of the worst dancers you’ve ever seen, so that’s a little of an exaggeration, but you get the idea. If you know Karryn, you know she’s one of the sweetest, most genuine and thoughtful people. I mean, she’s a massage therapist turned medical assistant – her whole life revolves around loving and serving people!!! She grew up in the wheat fields of Washington, in a family that well, you guessed it, harvests wheat. And you bet there were days when I was still in middle school where my family went and visited “The Polsons”, where we rode in combines and got to watch the entire process. Now, I’m pretty sure every time my husband and I pass wheat fields on a road trip I say, “Hey did I ever tell you I’ve ridden in a combine!?” (and he still says, every time, “no way!”) ;) I mean I guess you could say it must have left an impression ;)
Sooo…back to when I found out about her getting MARRIED!!! The first thing I did was hop right on to their wedding website and about fifteen minutes later after reading both her and Michael’s perspectives of their love story, I was wiping tears from my eyes and just knew I wanted to be a part of their wedding day!!! Michael grew up in Wyoming, and you guys, their story is one you just have to read. From their very first interaction on a Sunday morning at church, to the perfect winter proposal at the bottom of a ski lift, these two have the sweetest, most tender love for one another and for Jesus. It has been such an honor to get to know them and see their relationship, and their engagement session was SO special. In between every photo taken, they were telling my husband and I more and more about them and their story.
Michael and Karryn drove up on a Sunday morning to meet us at the PERFECT location in the “woods” where there were other hikers out bear scouting (no big deal) and you guys!!! The light was dreamy. It was warm and had that perfect early morning glow. Pretty close to the glow Karryn has when she’s around Michael :) In between outfit changes, we had a few minutes to chat and I asked Michael, “Tell me what your first impression of Karryn was!” And he didn’t skip a beat when he said, “I hit the jackpot. I saw her worshiping Jesus and the radiant beauty that she has from the inside out and I knew I just wanted to be in her life.”
Ugh, my heart!!!! These two are SO perfect for each other and I am so completely honored to be a part of their story and their wedding day. Michael and Karryn, I can’t wait to party and celebrate on the river as you two become husband and wife in 80 DAYS!!!! <3