Feel free to cozy up with your favorite beverage (if you're like me, then maybe it's an espresso over ice with a splash of cream, or a warm matcha latte if it's cold outside!) and stay awhile. This is my place to share not just beautiful weddings or sessions, but to share my life. My hope is through this, you'll get to know a bit more about me and all the beautiful people that make it worth living!
Wahoo! I just did a skip and a leap because well, it’s the first week of 2014, AND it’s the FIRST Monday of our newest weekly post, Monday Musings!
I’m just so tickled. I hope you will join me by wrapping up in your favorite fuzzy blanket and steamy mug of tea, because this is a peek into my life and my heart!
I used to post so often on my personal blog, sharing thoughts of mine, some shallow, but mostly just deep, intellectual things from my heart that I can’t verbalize. But then life got busy (the excuse everyone seems to use, right?). I “forgot” to keep up with my readers, sharing experiences and circumstances and personal notes from my life. So, when January came along, and a brand new year, I decided to not just write resolutions, but follow through with them.
I’ve always been a “goal writer” but not a “goal completer”. I’ll write them out with my favorite pen, even post them up on a board, but when the years end and I look back on all the things I wanted to accomplish, I fell short by yards. No. Miles.
And that’s not just embarrassing, it’s demeaning. So I resolute this year. To make this year count. To make it the best year yet. To do things even if they embarrass me, make me uncomfortable, or make me do things that I say I would never do. I resolute to eat more ice cream, exercise more, and spread the Gospel EVEN if I get ridiculed or people turn away. I resolute to love deeper and more passionately, and to communicate more often and with more emotion than I ever have.
And I want you to do the same.
Life’s too short to sleep in an extra ten minutes. Make those ten minutes count! Exercise. Pray. Write. Read.
Life’s too short to not compliment the person standing in front of you in the grocery store checkout line. Tell her how her scarf makes her eyes pop.
Life’s too short to not laugh. Laugh about the mistakes you’ve made. Learn from them.
So today I encourage you. Make this year the best year yet. Write down the funny stories. Put them in a jar. Write down the experiences that have been hard. Put them in a jar. Write down the silly songs you compose with your kids. Don’t miss out on the small things just because the big things overshadow sometimes.
<3 xoxo, (go eat that extra scoop of ice cream!)